ZOOM Presentation: “New Methods of Vision Restoration” by Prof. Dr. Ph.D. Bernhard Sabel

Time: 15. March 2023 at 5 pm CET (= 11 am EST)
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Code: 777742
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“Have no fear of going blind and learn about new methods to restore vision again”
People suffering from glaucoma often fear of going blind and their progressing vision loss seems to confirm that their fear is justified.
But anxiety and fear create massive and long-term mental stress which reduces blood flow due to vasoconstriction, depriving retinal and brain nerve cells of energy (oxygen and nutrients).
The visual neurons do not necessarily die but many switch into a silent “hibernation-like” mode. While stopping to process visual signals they do stay alive, even for very long times.
The lecture will inform the general public that there is new evidence that stimulating such silent neurons with microcurrent treatment in combination with relaxation exercises can activate them again. It explains why vision recovery and restoration is possible even in chronic vision loss and long-lasting improvements of visual functions.
Professor Sabel will explain how the therapy works and discuss the currently available clinical evidence.
Professor Sabel is at the University of Magdeburg/Germany, where he leads a team of researchers to study vision restoration and brain plasticity.
He has widely published in reputable scientific journals (Nature medicine, Neurology, Journal of Glaucoma, PLoS ONE etc.).
His research led to an innovative therapy now offered at SAVIR-Center (www.savir-center.com) which specializes in low vision caused by eye or brain disorders.
Recovery of vision is achieved by reactivation of “silent” (hypometabolic) neurons to restore visual fields in glaucoma, optic neuropathy and other eye or brain disorders of the visual system.
SAVIR achieves on average 24% larger visual field size, 60% reduction of scotoma, and 84% of patients experience improved visual field size, reading, acuity, less “foggy” vision and/or far vision.
Watch movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8p3mWsLvAI
Contact: info@savir-center.com