World Glaucoma week
During the Glaucoma Week 2023 The Rotterdam Eye Hospital will organize meetings for glaucoma patients and everybody who is interested in glaucoma. There are lectures by an ophthalmologist and by optometrists about the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, the implications for daily life of the diagnosis glaucoma, the importance of adherence to medical therapy and how eye drops can be effectively applied. There will be a workshop how to use eye drops correctly. The Royal Eye Association Visio will discuss other practical and psychosocial issues. During all lectures questions can be asked.
Organized by
Betty van BodegomContact: Betty van Bodegom
Contact Email:
Category: Awareness

12/03/2023 - 18/03/2023All Day
Het Oogziekenhuis RotterdamSchiedamsevest 180
3011 BH
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