World Glaucoma Day Post-graduate CME


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Park Hyatt Hotel
Road No 2 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500034

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‘Stop theft- save sight left’ WGD Glaucoma – March 8th 2020

Session 1

08:30 – 10:30 Session 1, Clinical Evaluation

09:00 – 09:30 Registration, Welcome, Introduction


Session 1 –      0930 – 11:30

Basics in Glaucoma via ‘The Great Debate’   

Moderator: Dr. Aditya Neog


09:30 – 10:00    Measurement of only modifiable risk factor in Glaucoma

Non-contact Tonometry vs. Goldmann Applanation

Dr. Aziza Yasmeen (10 mins) vs. Dr. Pasyanthi (10 mins)

Panel to take Q & A from audience (10 mins)

10:00 – 10:30    Visualising the Angle structures

Gonioscopy vs. Anterior Segment OCT

Dr. Aditya Neog (10 mins) vs. Dr. Jayant Iyer (10 mins)

Panel to take Q & A from audience (10 mins)

10:30 – 11:00    Cornerstone of glaucoma diagnosis: Disc assessment

Clinical disc assessment vs. OCT

Dr. Nikhil Choudhari (10 mins) vs. Dr. Hussain Naqvi (10 mins)

Panel to take Q & A from audience (10 mins)

11:00 – 11:30    Is Visual field examination fundamental in Glaucoma assessment?

Dr. Vanita Pathak-Ray


11:30 – 11.45 Coffee


Session 2 –      11:45 – 13:30

Management in Glaucoma (Part 1)

Moderator: Dr. Kalyani Prasad and Dr. Vanita Pathak-Ray

                        Principles of Medical Management – Dr. Nikhil Choudhari (10 mins)

                        ‘Striking the balance’ – Dr. Manoj Mathur (10 mins)

‘Start early – Lower, fewer, better’ – Dr. Hussain Naqvi (5 mins)

New entrants in medical management – Dr. Vanita Pathak-Ray (5mins)

‘Nocturnal IOP – a sleeping giant’ -Dr Pasyanthi (5 mins)

How and when to do a PI? – Dr. Supriya Chinta (10 mins)

Taking the first steps towards Trabeculectomy – Dr. Aditya Neog (15 mins)

Modifications of Trabeculectomy – Dr Hussain Naqvi (5 mins)

Complications of Trabeculectomy – how to diagnose? Dr. VPR (7 mins)

Management of complications of Trabeculectomy including Needling – Dr. Jayant Iyer (20 mins)


Management to be contd after break……



13:30 – 14.15 Lunch                


Session 3 –      14:15 – 15:15

Management in Glaucoma (Part 2)

Moderator: Dr. Hussain Naqvi

When is combined surgery indicated? – The Singapore perspective Dr Jayant The Indian perspective – Dr Vanita Pathak-Ray (5+5) minutes

Tubes in Glaucoma: Principles and types. AADI – Dr. VPR (10 minutes) AGV Dr. Pasyanthi (5 minutes)

Newer surgery in Glaucoma – Dr. Jayant Iyer (15 mins)

MIGS vs. BIGS ??


Session 4 –      15:15 – 16:15

Finding solutions for Clinical ‘Dilemmas’

Moderator: Dr. Vanita Pathak-Ray

5-6 cases (presentation 5 mins, discussion 5 mins) will be presented for practical management of dilemmas in glaucoma

16.15-16.45 Quiz with attractive prizes




16:45 – 17.00 Vote of thanks and close




Faculty and all-day Panel:

Dr. Aditya Neog / Dr. Anusha K L/ Dr. Aziza Yasmeen / Dr. Hussain Naqvi / Dr. Jayant Iyer / Dr. Kalyani Prasad / Dr. Manoj Mathur / Dr. Nikhil Choudhari / Dr. Supriya Chinta / Dr. Swapnali Sabhapandit / Dr. Vanita Pathak Ray / Dr. Varun Malhotra

13:00 – 14:00 and Rehabilitation

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