Virtual Congressional Briefing – Understanding glaucoma patients: Health disparities and unmet need


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
5515 SECURITY LN, 500, ROCKVILLE, Maryland, 20852

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AEVR invites you to join this virtual Congressional Briefing recognizing World Glaucoma Week (March 6 – 12). The second leading cause of preventable vision loss in the United States, glaucoma affects more than 2.7 million Americans over age 40, with that number estimated to more than double by year 2050. Glaucoma is also a driving factor in the annual cost of vision impairment projected to reach $717 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars by year 2050.

Groups at highest risk of developing glaucoma include African Americans over age 40, individuals over age 60, and those with a family history of the disease. Progression can vary based on factors ranging from gender to ethnic and racial differences, and can be genetic or based on lifestyle choices (e.g., smoking). This Briefing will educate about glaucoma and examine these differences, while identifying unmet need as researchers and clinicians seek to optimize patient care.

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or RSVP to Dina Beaumont.

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