The Congress of the Romanian Society of Glaucoma
The Congress of the Romanian Society of Glaucoma is the largest annual event dedicated to ophthalmologists in Romania and focuses on “Difficult decisions in Glaucoma / Decision in difficult glaucomas”.
This year the meeting takes place during the World Glaucoma Week as part of the Romanian Society of Glaucoma awareness campaign. The subjects debated during the meeting by both renown International Speakers and National Opinion Leaders offer a great opportunity for participants to share know-how and personal experience between a top-level pool of experts performing in the field of glaucoma.
The program is aimed at doctors interested in developing their professional knowledge to obtain optimal results in the diagnosis and treatment of patients and, implicitly, in improving the quality of life of patients with glaucoma.
Organized by
The Romanian Society of GlaucomaContact: Alina Popa Cherecheanu
Contact Email:
Category: Awareness