Simultaneous Message Broadcast on Social Media

Simultaneous Message Broadcast on Social Media


3:00 pm

Event Type

“90% of blindness from #Glaucoma can be prevented by early detection. #MiraPorTusOjos and visit your ophthalmologist today.”

Mira por tus Ojos is a campaign that aims to raise awareness about glaucoma, emphasizing the importance of early detection of the disease to prevent blindness. Its objective is to raise awareness in Latin America about glaucoma, motivating people to get an eye exam, regularly, as a preventative action by visiting their ophthalmologist. Mira por Tus Ojos is sponsored by several associations and organizations in the region, such as the Sociedad Argentina de Oftalmología, Fundación para el Estudio del Glaucoma, Sociedad Panamericana de Glaucoma, Sociedad Latinoamericana de Glaucoma, Asociación Argentina de Glaucoma, Asociación Uruguaya de Oftalmólogos, Sociedad Uruguaya de Glaucoma, Sociedad Peruana de Glaucoma, Colegio Mexicano de Glaucoma, Sociedad Paraguaya de Oftalmologia and Alcon.

How can you help?

We have been recruiting people throughout LATAM to visit Thunderclap, connect their Facebook, Twitter and/or Tumblr accounts, in order to generate a massive wave of communication and awareness on March 12.

We need you to join our Thunderclap TODAY! A Thunderclap is an innovative crowd-speaking platform that allows social media users to say something together at the same time for greater impact. By signing up to the Mira por tus ojos Thunderclap, users’ selected social media accounts will post our awareness message at the same time. The message is set to be automatically published on everyone’s selected social channels on Thursday, March 12 at 3pm ET, on World Glaucoma Day.

How to join?

  1. Go to
  2. Connect your social channels (Facebook, Twitter and/or Tumblr)
  3. Share your participation in the cause by letting your friends know about the campaign or sharing the Thunderclap link
  4. Join the conversation by using the hashtag #MiraPorTusOjos and by tagging @Miraportusojos on you tweets or posts

Tune in on March 12, 2015 at 3pm ET when the message is set to publish. Let’s join voices against blindness from glaucoma!

Follow the campaign at:

We created a Facebook page and a Twitter account to tell the campaign story, and a Tumblr page as a hub of content for all informational materials.

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