Kirk Pengilly on Daily Edition 7 Plus

Kirk Pengilly on Daily Edition 7 Plus


2:10 pm - 2:20 pm


Daily Edition Studio
Channel 7 , Martin Place, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000, Sydney

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Kirk Pengilly (INXS) gave an interview with @TheDailyEdition7 to raise awareness about glaucoma.

Watch now:

1 in 200 Aussies will develop glaucoma by the time they are 40, increasing to 1 in 8 by the age of 80.

Some people have a higher risk – they are those with:

A family history of glaucoma
High eye pressure
Age over 50
African or Asian descended ethnicity
Short or long sightedness
A previous history of eye injury
Past or present prolonged use of cortisone drugs (steroids)
High or low blood pressure

Don’t let glaucoma blindside your future. Book an eye exam today:

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