Webinar “Increased intraocular eye pressure (IOP) in optometrist practice”

Webinar "Increased intraocular eye pressure (IOP) in optometrist practice"


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Latvian American Eye Center Ltd
A. Deglava Street 12A, Riga, Latvia, LV-1009

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Increased intraocular eye pressure (IOP) in optometrist practice
We are happy to invite all optometrists to our webinar ” Increased intraocular eye pressure (IOP) in optometrist practice”.
The lecture was prepared by Dr. Anete Kristiana Jēkabsone, Dr. Kristiāna Čačka, Dr. Sandra Baltvilka and Dr. Olita Lūse in cooperation with “Latvian American Eye Center” chief ophthalmologist Dr. Māra Briede.
During the lecture it will be possible to ask questions, find out about the current treatment methods and watch demonstrations.

When? March 11, 2021 at 16.00

! The duration of the event is 1 hour

Event is free of charge!
Pre-registration is required!
Working language – Latvian!

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The event is organized by “Latvian American Eye Center” Ltd.

laac@laac.lv +371 67272257

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