Glaucoma Screening for Mental Hospital inmates


8:45 am - 12:00 pm


Mental Hospital
Oolanpara , Trivandrum, Kerala

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WORLD GLAUCOMA WEEK 2018. Over the last several years through glaucoma walks, dives and seminars we have raised awareness about this blinding disease. This year Swasthi Foundation asked the question what about the people who cannot be made aware? That led onto this project where Swasthi Foundation decided to look into the eye care of all 500 inmates of Mental Hospital. The project was launched by Sri. Loknath Behra IPS, DGP & Kerala Police Chief. Over the period of one month all inmates of mental hospital will undergo comprehensive eye checkup including fundoscopy and eye pressure measurement. Many thanks to Dr. Kiran Kumar, Dr. Martin and Dr. Sagar from Mental Hospital who arranged the program.

Dr. Devin Prabhakar and Dr. Kavitha Devin from Divya Prabha Eye Hospital screened all 500 inmates of Mental Hospital for glaucoma.


#Glaucoma, #WGW, #WGW2018, #WorldGlaucomaWeek, #GlaucomaWeek, #worldglaucomaweek2018

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