Glaucoma Screening and Awareness

Glaucoma Screening and Awareness


07/03/2021 - 13/03/2021    
All Day


SUT Academy of Medical Sciences
Vencode, Vattappara, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695028, South East Asia

Event Type

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World Glaucoma Week (March 7 – 13, 2021)
SUT Academy of Medical Science observed the World Glaucoma Week under the aegis of the Department of Ophthalmology.
The Department of Ophthalmology organised a series of awareness and screening activities and the same have been registered with the World Glaucoma Association.We have organised a free glaucoma screening camp on 12 th March. A CME programme was conducted by the department on 13 th March, 2021 and an enlightening talk on ‘Glaucoma Awareness’ was delivered by Dr. Jayalekshmi. T, Professor and HOD. The session was chaired by our Principal,Dr K Salil Kumar.The programme was attended by 100 delegates.There was a question-answer session following this.

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