Glaucoma Awareness Week – Tele-ophthalmology Screening

Glaucoma Awareness Week - Tele-ophthalmology Screening


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Columbia Ophthalmology is taking the fight against the leading causes of blindness out of the traditional clinic and onto the streets of New York City. The Department’s new mobile tele-ophthalmology unit will be  serving  neighborhoods with populations at high-risk for eye disease.

The mobile screening project strengthens the Department’s commitment to combating sight-threatening eye diseases and disorders by testing patients in local communities who are underserved and most vulnerable.

Under the leadership of Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and glaucoma expert Lama Al-Aswad, MD, MPH,  the staff of the mobile unit plans to perform free glaucoma screenings  during glaucoma week at locations in New York City. The Tel-e-ophthalmology mobile unit usually preforms free screening for the  four leading causes of blindness: glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy throughout the year.

For schedule dates and locations, visit the website at

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