Glaucoma Awareness
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The Silent thief of Sight, that is what Glaucoma is known as. It kills sight not because effective treatment is not available it kills vision because it is seldom detected on time. The only way to prevent blindness due to glaucoma is to create awareness.
The most dynamic NGO in the healthcare space Swasthi Foundation has come forward to take up the cause and reach out the message to the masses. Divya Prabha Eye Hospital is proud and privileged to partner with them in this endeavor. SN United Mission, IMA, Kerala Police Officer’s Association, Trivandrum Ophthalmic Club, Kerala Police Service Officers Association and Kerala Small Scale Industries Association join the effort.
Celebrities and noted personalities will share their experience with the public. Dr. Devin Prabhakar will speak on diagnosis and treatment modalities in glaucoma. An eye examination camp lead by Dr. Suseela Prabhakaran and Dr. Kavitha Devin will be conducted.
Glaucoma is commonly detected by measuring the pressure in the eye. When eye pressure increases the optic nerve gradually becomes damaged. If left unchecked, this can result in serious vision loss. High eye pressure may exist without noticeable symptoms so many people do not even know that they have the disease. When symptoms do become noticeable, it’s usually very late and significant loss of vision would have occurred.
Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness worldwide after cataract. It is estimated that 4.5 million persons globally are blind due to glaucoma and that this number will rise to 11.2 million by 2020. It is noteworthy that due to the silent progression of the disease upto 50% of affected persons are not even aware of having glaucoma.
There is no cure for glaucoma as yet, and vision loss is irreversible. However, medications or surgery can halt or slow-down any further vision loss. Therefore, early detection is essential to limiting visual impairment and preventing the progression towards severe visual handicap or blindness. The event aims at creating awareness about glaucoma.
The World Glaucoma Week ( 11-17 March 2019 ) aims at increasing the awareness about glaucoma. World Glaucoma Week is a joint initiative between the World Glaucoma Association and the World Glaucoma Patient Association.