Glaucoma Australia Patient Symposium and Risk Screening Clinic

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You and your family are invited to attend the Glaucoma Australia Patient Symposium at the 8th World Glaucoma Congress in Melbourne, Australia.
Save the Date: Wednesday 27 March 2019
Location: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC)
Cost: FREE
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Glaucoma Risk Screening Clinic (Room 209)
Family members are encouraged to attend a free glaucoma risk screening clinic utilising the latest mobile detection technologies, whilst patients and their families learn about glaucoma risk factors.
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Glaucoma Australia Patient Symposium (Room 203/204)
Delegates will hear from some of Australia’s leading glaucoma specialists as well as strategies for improved quality of life:
- Opening address – Clin Prof Ivan Goldberg AM
- Lab based research – Clin A/Prof Paul Healey
- Clinical advances – Dr Simon Skalicky
- What having glaucoma means – A Patient Perspective
- Glaucoma Australia patient support – Mrs Annie Gibbins, CEO Glaucoma Australia
- Apps and aids to assist patients – Grant Wilson, Vision Australia
- Closing address – Mr Ron Spithill OAM, President Glaucoma Australia