Glaucoma Australia Risk Awareness Campaign

Glaucoma Australia Risk Awareness Campaign


10/03/2019 - 16/03/2019    
All Day

Event Type

Glaucoma Australia has launched a new risk awareness campaign encouraging people who are at greater risk of developing glaucoma to get their eyes tested.

Glaucoma is the leading cause of avoidable blindness worldwide, affecting over 300,000 Australians, yet it is estimated that 50% of those living with glaucoma are undiagnosed.

While nine out of 10 Australians say that sight is their most valued sense, over 8 million Australians are still not having regular eye tests.

You can help change this statistic.

Who is at risk? 

Although anyone may develop glaucoma, some people have a higher risk – they are people who:

  • have a family history of glaucoma
  • have high eye pressure
  • are aged over 50
  • are of African or Asian descent
  • have diabetes
  • have myopia (nearsighted)
  • have been on a prolonged course of cortisone (steroid) medication
  • experience migraines
  • have had an eye operation or eye injury
  • who have a history or high or low blood pressure

(Abridged: NHMRC Guidelines, 2010) What can you do during World Glaucoma Week?

  • Encourage people at risk of developing glaucoma to get their eyes checked at least every 2 years.
  • If you have glaucoma alert your first-degree relatives and encourage them to get their eyes checked every 2 years from the age of 40.
  • Download our free risk awareness campaign resources and help start the conversation. Visit our website.

Other ways you can support us!

  • Follow us on Facebook – share our social media updates in the lead-up to and throughout World Glaucoma Week 2019.
  • Host your own fundraiser – visit our website to create your own fundraising page
  • Donate – all funds raised go towards glaucoma awareness, education, support and research.

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