Free screenings

To mark International Glaucoma Week, Swiss Visio doctors are offering a screening test to the general public. The screening campaign will take place in several locations.

Carried out by doctors specialising in ophthalmology, the test takes around 20 minutes.
It is painless and harmless. The doctor uses a slit lamp emitting a beam of light to observe the inside of the eye.
He then measures eye pressure and examines the back of the eye, enabling a careful analysis of the optic nerve and retina.

Screening by appointment – Tel +41 58 274 23 80

Participating Centers:
– Swiss Visio Chavannes
– Swiss Visio Montchoisi
– Swiss Visio Palézieux
– Swiss Visio Genolier
– Swiss Visio Sierre
– Swiss Visio Eaux-Vives
– Swiss Visio Moutier
– Swiss Visio Saint-Imier
– Swiss Visio La Providence

Organized by

Swiss Visio Network

Contact: Anne Gaugain
Contact Email:

Category: Screening event


11/03/2024 - 16/03/2024
All Day


Swiss Visio Network
Avenue du Servan 38
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