Five days of our Glaucoma Week and ambulatory/cabinet for Screening of Glaucoma
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The following Glaucoma activities are planned (Be a part of it – this is how):
– Five days of our Glaucoma Week and ambulatory/cabinet for Screening of Glaucoma (early glaucoma
detection in risk groups and general population) during the morning shift, from 12-14 hours at Clinic of
Ophthalmology Clinical Center Kragujevac in Serbia, where all ophthalmologists (including all of young on the
specialization) of mentioned institution are invited (free of charge and without appropriate medical documentation
for measurement of IOP).
– Five days of this clinical observations of detected glaucoma-patients and risk-individuals of glaucoma, in the
same terms, from 13-15 hours, on the 7
floor at the Clinic of Ophtalmology Clinical Center Kragujevac in Serbia,
where the glaucomatologists of mentioned institutions participate.
– Educational lecture by full professor Dr. Mirjana A Janicijevic Petrovic in our referent institutions, on the topic
of “Current Guideline of Glaucoma Disease” in the period of World Glaucoma Week for all interested
listeners/individuals/patients (free-actions to mark our Glaucoma Week).
– Glaucoma activities will be published in our mass-media of medicine at the regional level, on TV-Kragujevac in
Serbia, directly related to glaucoma-events and to learn about the mentioned of our activities in social media
channels; and with our video-glaucoma-events of Glaucoma Week, which will be forwarded and archived to the
competent – to the Association of Serbian Glaucomatologi