Congenital Glaucoma Support Group Morning Tea

Families affected by Congenital Glaucoma are invited to attend our first annual support group morning tea as part of World Glaucoma Week (8-14 March). Come along and meet others who know and understand what you are going through.
We are thrilled to introduce guest speakers;
Dr Emmanuelle Souzeau, Researcher and genetic counsellor in the Department of Ophthalmology, Flinders University. She has experience in medical research, genetic testing, patient counselling and support.
Lachlan Knight, Orthoptist, currently undertaking PhD with Dr Jamie Craig at Flinders University, research is for childhood glaucoma and the psychosocial impact on the individual and their family, as well genetics and clinical outcomes.
Bronwyn Sheldrick, Orthoptist, currently working on research with Lachlan, Bronwyn and Lachlan would love to hear people’s stories, and to interview them formally (for research) and enrol the families into the ANZRAG project.
Date: Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Time: 10am to 1pm
Location: Beaumont People, 259 George Street, Level 59, Sydney
Spots are limited so please book to avoid disappointment