Beyond Glaucoma and Dry Eye : The Double Trouble

Beyond Glaucoma and Dry Eye : The Double Trouble


7:30 am - 2:00 pm


Auditorium Istiantoro, JEC @ Kedoya
Jl. Arjuna Utara No.1, RT.7/RW.3, Kedoya, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia — DKI Jakarta, 11520

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Dalam rangka berpartisipasi di World Glaucoma Week ini, JEC Eye Hospitals and Clinics mengadakan Saturday Seminar yang berjudul : “Beyond Glaucoma and Dry Eye : The Double Trouble”

Hari : Sabtu tanggal 13 April 2019
Tempat : Auditorium Istiantoro, JEC @ Kedoya

Guest Speaker :
Assoc Prof Shamira Perera

Glaucoma Speaker :
Dr. Arini Safira, SpM
Dr. Emma Rusmayani, SpM
DR. dr. Widya Artini Wiyogo (Ikke), SpM(K)
Dr. Iwan Soebijantoro, SpM(K)
Dr. Muhammad Yoserizal, SpM
Dr. Rini Sulastiwaty, SpM
Dr. Zeiras Eka Djamal, SpM
Dr. Maharani Cahyono, SpM(K)

Dry Eye Speaker :
DR. dr. Tri Rahayu, SpM(K), FIACLE
Dr. Made Susiyanti, SpM(K)
Dr. Nina Asrini Noor, SpM

Early Registration :
Dokter Mata : Rp. 1.000.000
Resident/Dokter Umum : Rp.500.000

Onsite :
Dokter Mata : Rp. 1.500.000
Resident/Dokter Umum : Rp.750.000

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