Anti-glaucoma week


09/03/2015 - 13/03/2015    
11:00 am - 3:00 pm


Poliklinika Oko dr Karcic
Bihacka bb, Sarajevo, 71000

Event Type

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Dear madam/sir

due to preventing blindnes caused by glaucoma we organise free glaucoma-screening examinations.

This is our small contribute for better sight.

best regards,

Polyclinic “Eye” dr Karcic team


u cilju sprječavanja sljepila uzrokovanog glaukomom organizujemo besplatne skrining preglede na glaukom.

Ovo je naš mali doprinos za bolji vid

lijep pozdrav,

tim Poliklinike “Oko” dr Karčić


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