Celebration of World Glaucoma Week 2022 at Ophthalmology Study Program, Udayana University

World Glaucoma Week (WGW) is a global health initiative which is held annually at the second week of March. This year, the WGW celebration carried the theme of “The World is Bright, Save Your Sight” and took place from 6-12 March 2022. The WGW celebration is held to increase public awareness regarding glaucoma.
This year, the Ophthalmology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Perdami Bali Branch, collaborated with several hospitals in Bali to hold activities in the WGW 2022 celebration.
1. Free Intraocular Pressure Examination for the patient’s relatives
Intraocular pressure (IOP) examination were carried out at the Eye Polyclinic of Sanglah Hospital and several other hospitals in Bali region which aimed for an early detection and screening for high IOP among the relatives of glaucoma patients, especially because glaucoma is an eye disease which is associated with heredity.
2. Education of Visual Impairment due to Glaucoma through counseling and social media
Public education was carried out online through Instagram and Youtube. The first activity was NGUSIK talkshow (Ngobrol untuk Sehat dengan Gaya Asik) with the topic of Angle Closure Glaucoma presenting dr. I Made Agus Kusumadjaja, Sp.M(K) as speaker on March 10, 2022. The second talkshow was also carried out with the topic of Secondary Glaucoma presenting dr. IGA Ratna Suryaningrum, M.Biomed, Sp.M on March 17, 2022. In addition, we presented a health podcast presenting dr. Ni Kompyang Rahayu, Sp.M(K) as the speaker and mainly discussed about public’s curiosity regarding glaucoma. Health education is also delivered regularly through the Instagram feeds which can be viewed on the @perdamibali account.
3. Photography Contest
The photography contest was held to provide educational messages and awareness regarding WGW celebration through the photography media with the theme “Glaucoma, the Thief of Sight”. This competition was held with a latest deadline until March 25, 2022. There was a total of 21 photos that are included in this photography competition which eventually came out with 2 main winners and 1 favorite winner. In addition, the committee also held a medical cap design competition. The selected favorite cap design was then printed and used among the internal community of Ophthalmology Study Program, Udayana University.
4. Glaucoma Quiz on Instagram @perdamibali during 6-12 March 2022
WGW 2022 celebration is certainly not complete without a quiz with interesting prizes. This activity aims to increase participation and attract public interest to know more about glaucoma, of course with attractive prizes as the rewards from the committee.
5. Light Up in Green
Light Up in Green is part of the WGW joyful event series which was carried out by decorating the outpatient polyclinic rooms, both at Sanglah Hospital and the Udayana’s Opthalmology Study Program partner hospitals. In addition, the committee also installed public banners aimed at providing information regarding the celebration of WGW 2022.
The entire series of WGW 2022 activities is a form of participation from Ophthalmology Study Program, Udayana University and Perdami Bali Branch who provide an active role to deliver educative and interactive information in order to increase public awareness about eye health, especially to prevent glaucoma. Thus, we certainly hope that it can provide benefits for the community and medical personnel, as well as providing hope for better vision in accordance with this year’s WGW theme, “The World is Bright, Save Your Sight”.